
Below are a few tools for self discovery, personal development and spiritual growth.
Psychology Tools
Myers Briggs Test
These are very popular personality tests that are well know in the workplace. But if you don’t know your Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) type, you can take the test for free from 16 Personalities site. (FREE)
Jungian Archetype Test
Carl Jung developed the 12 Archetypes which shape our personalities. You can take the test to find you your dominant archetype. (FREE)
DiSC Profile ($72 and Up)
The DiSC model provides a common language that people can use to better understand themselves and to adapt their behaviors with others — whether at work or other relationships.
Astrology Tools
In addition to psychology tools, there are various astrological modalities which can help you discover yourself.
Human Design
I just recently discovered Human Design, and have moved this to the top of the list for learning about yourself because it’s truly mind-blowing! If you have time to do just one self-discovery tool right now, DO THIS ONE!
Human Design is a map of both conscious and unconscious aspects of yourself. It combines astrology, I Ching, Kabbalah and the Chakras and it was founded by Ra Uru Hu in 1992.
Learning about your inner authority and strategy helps you make better decisions based on your design. Human Design can help you understand your mind and body and how to align with its intelligence.
Visit the to get your free Human Design interactive chart.
Western Astrology
Cafe Astrology – Create a Natal Chart based on your date and time of your birth. Natal chart will give you a more in depth report versus just your typical sun sun horoscope giving you more insights into your personality traits.
Mayan Astrology
Find out your signs in the Mayan Astrology. This is one of the lesser known but one of my favorite sites. The interpretation will give you your day sign, past sign, future and masculine and feminine signs.
Animal Totems
Visit this site to see the meanings behind various animals that may appear to you in your life.
Spiritual Tools
One of the most powerful tools you’ll ever use, will not be found outside of you. To go deep within your soul, start a journal. Whether you’re trying to decide on what career path to take or solve a dilemma, chances are you can get close to your answer with the help of your journal. It’s helped me through the toughest times of my life. Here are some ways you can use the journal for self discovery:
- Create a gratitude list of everything that you admire about yourself.
- Write down your strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities where you’d like to improve.
- Write a story of one of your fondest memories. Our memories give us glimpse into our likes and dislikes.
- Write down your wildest dreams and goals you’d like to accomplish in 1 to 2 years.
- Sometimes we get messages through our dreams. If you’re one of the lucky folks who has vivid dreams, keep a dream journal next to your bed and write down what you dreamt about.
- Create a pros and cons list if you’re facing a dilemma on a decision.
- Jot down your thoughts and feelings whenever you feel inspired to do so.
There are infinite ways and paths to self discovery. Hope you found these tools useful. Enjoy the journey!