Let Go of Attachments and Create Big Changes in Your Life
“I have realized that the past and future are real illusions, that they exist in the present, which is what there is and all there is.” ― Alan W. Watts
Attachment is the root of all suffering. Attachment to things, people, situations and environments. You attach to a “thing” by creating an expectation of it based on your past experience. Mind loves to fill in the gaps to minimize discomfort. Mind wants to stay in its comfort zone. But it can’t, we are all energy and energy moves, and flows from one moment to the next. By attaching to a thought, you are stuck in the past. You are stuck in the way you remembered that thing or that person. But that’s not the way things are in the present.
It’s kind of funny when you realize most of your time spent is resisting the present moment – getting aggravated by traffic (which you can’t change), rushing to get out of the house (even though you know you’re already late), or arguing with someone who has a different perspective from you (but it’s just a perspective, a thought which is their own – neither are the reality).
When you detach from things and the way things or people should be, you are free to experience the world as is, and by enjoying it the way it is you are more grounded and happier in return.
How to Let to of Attachments
Like a plant that patiently waits for the sun and drops of rain to help it nudge its way out of the dirt, try to detach from the small daily attachments and relax into the moment so that you too can grow and evolve.
Feel the water on your face as you wash it in the morning. Enjoy the toothbrush and the toothpaste as they cleanse your teeth and mouth. Be grateful for another day you get to experience life. Be free-flowing from the thoughts of resistance and radiate like the sun. Stand tall like a tree with its branches spread wide to feel the breeze and sun on its leaves, and its roots deeply planted into the soil giving you strength, resilience and peace within.
To get grounded, watch this FREE Healing Waters meditation from the Spiritual Sense. And don’t forget to subscribe to our channel!
Next time your mind is trying to convince you that you can stop time or delude you into thinking anything other than what is happening right in front of you, take life-giving, energizing long and deep breath in and out for a minute until you can feel your stomach expanding and contracting with each breath. Bringing more awareness to your daily tasks allows you to have more awareness when bigger challenges arise.
“Paying attention and awareness are universal capacities of human beings.”
– Jon Kabat-Zinn
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