How to Start and Stick With a Meditation Practice
Starting and sticking with a meditation practice can challenging. That’s why many people start, get frustrated, and unfortunately, end up quitting. To start and stick with a meditation practice, let go of unrealistic expectations of meditation. It’s simpler and easier than you think. Just like basic hygiene activities like brushing your teeth, with daily practice, it gets better and easier. It becomes second nature to you.
What is Meditation?
Meditation is a family of techniques which have in common a conscious attempt to focus attention in a non-analytical way, and then attempt not to dwell on the ruminating thoughts.
“Meditation is a practice where an individual uses a technique – such as mindfulness, or focusing the mind on a particular object, thought, or activity – to train attention and awareness, and achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm and stable state.”
What is Mindfulness?
Mindfulness is a state of awareness of the present moment while maintaining an attitude of non-judgmental acceptance of what is happening in your mind, body, as well as external environment. Meditation increases mindfulness, and mindfulness can be practiced in many daily activities such as eating a meal or having a conversation with a friend. In a state of mindfulness, you stay reflective rather than reactive to the moment.
Getting Started with Meditation
Every major change in life starts with a decision to try. Just like when you start to exercise or eat better, it’s hard at first. If you keep going and create healthy expectations, you will start and stick with a meditation practice and build another healthy habit in your wellbeing toolbox.
Here are 5 simple steps to start a meditation practice:
To start and stick with a meditation practice, follow the steps outlined below.
- Find your Why. Write in your journal the reasons for getting started. Meditation has so many scientifically-proven benefits, there are numerous research articles and books written about this topic. Top health benefits of meditation include reducing stress and anxiety, promoting emotional health and self awareness, and overall a happier life. Meditation changes your brain! It increases gray matter, and volume in areas related to emotion regulation, positive emotions, and self control.* Whether it’s to reduce stress or to create more peace of mind in your life, finding your “Why” will help you create long-term success. For example, “I’d like to start a meditation practice to create more resilience and improve my wellbeing.” Let the “Why” be your journal prompt to unleash your imagination and visualize what success looks like to you.
- Set a goal. Next set a goal on how often you will meditate and for how many minutes. I recommend starting slow and then gradually increasing your minutes. Start at 5 to 10 minutes and gradually increase to 20 minutes or longer if needed. Example of a goal: “My goal is to meditate for 10 minutes two times per week for next four weeks.” Then after four weeks pass, create another goal and increase your frequency and/or duration.
- Make time for meditation. Choose the best time that works for you. That could be morning before you start your day. This way you can set an intention for the day. You can try middle of the day to take a break from work or chores, to hit a mental reset button so to speak. You can also try end of the day or even before sleep to help you wind down for the night. It’s important especially in the beginning to dedicate a time when you will have the least number of external disturbances or distractions such as the TV, radio, loud noises outside, or someone interrupting you while meditating. Find the best time when you not be disturbed. To create more focus, use meditation music or guided meditations. You can find both on apps like Spotify or Pandora. You can also tune in to the Meditations from The Spiritual Sense.
- Create a sacred space. Read my post about creating a meditation spot. But don’t wait to make a perfect space before you start your practice. All you need is chair or a cushion to get started. You can be seated with your feet flat on the ground while sitting on the chair. Or you can sit on a cushion with knees bent. You can dedicate a room or just a corner of a room as your meditation space.
- Start to Meditate. Set a timer on your phone or a fitness tracker and focus on your breath. Close your eyes. Focus on relaxing your body. Scan your body. How do your feet feel? How does your back feel? Slowly relax your body, your facial muscles, your forehead, and release any tension. Breathe in for 5 seconds and breathe out for 5 seconds. When your mind drifts away to what you have to do today or another thought, simply watch it without judgment and say internally “Thank you mind for that thought. Now I will bring my focus back to my breath.”
It’s important not to judge yourself and to accept each and every meditation session as it is. Even people who meditate for years struggle with this. No human is perfect. Don’t put so much unnecessary pressure on yourself. It’s normal to be thinking in the beginning, and slowly you will notice your attention will get better. Meditation will bring more peace, self love, and so much more to your life. We can all use more of that!
What are you waiting for? Get Started today!
Go to the Meditations page and choose one of my meditations to get started.
– Meri, The Spiritual SENSE
For more meditations, follow my YouTube page. And for inspiration and to stay in touch, follow my Instagram account!

(*) 20 Scientific Reasons to Start Meditating Today, Psychology Today, https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/feeling-it/201309/20-scientific-reasons-start-meditating-today