Awaken the Creatrix Within: How to Get Crystal Clear and Activate Your Dreams and Passions
Do you have a project or an idea in mind that you feel being called to create but you don’t fully know what it is yet? Do you feel like there is more to life than the daily grind and you have a message to share with the Universe? Or do you feel called to explore a passion long-forgotten from your childhood?
That pull you feel is your spiritual sense or your intuition giving you small breadcrumbs to follow on your path. You’re exactly where you need to be. A seed has been planted and you are in the midst of accessing your unique gifts. Stay and read on.
2020: The Collective Awakening
The year 2020 has awakened many people to their passions. It’s given many 20/20 clear vision on what matters in life. In the midst of the pandemic, many reawakened their passions to cook, paint, or took courses to further their personal or skill development.
More and more people are waking up to their intuition, their spiritual sense, and have an awakened desire to create whether they’re starting a new business, a project, or just following a passion they left behind in childhood.
And in today’s society with accessibilities to the internet, smartphones, so many free or little-to-no-cost resources, you have the freedom to create whatever you wish. Want to write a book? There’s a course for that. Want to learn how to cook healthy? There’s a YouTube channel or a blog for that. Want to travel for a year while working remotely? There’s a website or an Instagrammer for that.
You may have friends or know people who seem to have infinite energy and make following their passion look very easy. All is not as it seems. It takes conscious action and creation to awaken and birth new dreams and realities. With discipline and a few healthy habits, you can make your dreams a reality too.
What is a Creatrix?
Creatrix is a female who brings forth her visions to life. A producer, an author, founder, the creatrix of her dreams. A creatrix is a visionary who transcends the limited mind and believes in her dreams and brings them to reality regardless of what other people think.
A creatrix is not just a dreamer. Her passion runs deep and she is laser-focused and action-oriented to produce the best life for herself, her family, and society. Essentially, she is a GOAL digger! Her passions fuel her every step. She lives with intentionality. She’s on awakened path and anyone who wants to join her is invited – she is offering her service to the greater good of society.
And just because she’s of service, doesn’t mean she says “Yes” to every request that comes her way. She knows to respond to Universe’s invitations only if she feels a full “Yes” from her body and spirit. And she says “No” and sets boundaries to anything that she feels will not support her growth or evolution.
How Can You Awaken the Creatrix Within?
The society can keep you in a habitual cycle of sameness, and the ego can keep you safely tucked in your comfort zone. You create your life every day with your thoughts, actions, and beliefs. What you put in, you get out. Awareness is the key to awakening the creatrix within.
First you need to get clear on what you want. Confusion is one of the biggest obstacles to creatrix’ souls everywhere. For example, you may have many passions and are not sure which one to follow. Or you feel like you have no time for yourself to start anything new as you can barely keep up with your daily life and responsibilities.
Clarity comes in the moments when we silence the mind. When we help another person without expectation. Clarity comes in waves. We just have to listen. So tune in to the wisdom of your soul.
How to Get Crystal Clear and Activate Your Dreams and Passions
Getting clarity on what you want will require work on your part. However, it is so worth it to discover your passion, and feel its power in every cell of your body.
Set Time for Contemplation
Set quiet time for yourself in early morning when you won’t be disturbed and write in your journal. You can follow one or more of the journal prompts below to gain clarity.
- What does success look like to me (and not what the society’s definition of success is for me)?
- What brings me joy and gets me excited?
- What is my superpower?
- What do people come to me for help the most?
- What would I be doing if money wasn’t an issue?
- Where do I see myself in 1, 2, 5 years from now?
- What small action can I take this week towards that goal?
Identify the Resistance to Following Your Passions and Dreams
Here are a few common reasons people resist and block their dreams from coming to fruition. All of these reasons have one thing in common: they stem from the “Lack” mindset and are rooted in fear.
- Lack of time. I don’t have time. I work a lot. I provide for my family and between work and family, I don’t have time to follow my passions.
- Lack of resources. I don’t have the resources. My passions require me to purchase a lot of equipment or training that I don’t have money for right now.
- Lack of belief in oneself. I won’t be able to do it. I don’t believe I have the skills to do this right now. Or I’m too old to revive my childhood dreams.
- Fear of criticism. I’m afraid to follow my passions and share my gifts. People will think I’m weird. I’m afraid I’ll be criticized.
Align Your Mind, Body and Spirit with Your Goals
To overcome your resistance, know the symptoms and the signs of your resistance and also the ways you may have suppressed your desires.
Some of the ways people suppress their dreams include:
- Self sabotage their goals. This is why many diets fail. People sabotage themselves after making one mistake and give up.
- Give up control. They give up control of their life by living day to day in survival mode, without intention on what their soul wants. They focus on external and never look within for answers. Essentially, they’re living on autopilot.
- Staying busy or disassociating. They are caught in a merry-go-round of distraction throughout the day, from scrolling through social media to streaming TV shows and movies for entertainment. The anxiety for the future or past trauma keeps them disassociated from their bodies.
To follow your goals, passions or dreams, align your mind, body and spirit with that goal. Picture this as your awakening the creatrix support system.
- Challenge your mind.
- Challenge the negative beliefs with a positive “abundance” mindset.
- Bring awareness to your thought process and whenever a negative thought comes to mind, replace it with a positive one.
- Tune in to your body’s intelligence.
- Follow a healthy diet and drink water to keep your body’s internal system clean. Your energy, prana life force is directly impacted by the food you consume.
- Your body is a sacred temple and should be treated as such. Never talk negatively about your body whether alone or in front of others.
- Let your spirit be your guide.
- What does your spirit want to do? What makes your spirit come alive?
- Set time daily to connect with Source, God, the Universe through meditation or prayer. Daily ritual to connect to your higher self will help awaken you to your path.
- Your soul knows the path. The challenge is to silence the mind. You are here for a reason. You have a purpose. Never doubt that.
Affirmations to Awaken The Creatrix Within
Positive affirmations have the power to change negative beliefs. When you write in your journal try writing affirmations that energize and empower you to be and live your highest self.
Here are a few affirmations to get you started:
- I have a higher purpose in life and I am embodying it more and more each and every day.
- I am deserving of all the abundance in the Universe.
- I am living my purpose and sharing it with the Universe.
- I love life and life loves me back. The Universe is a friendly place.
- My dreams light up my soul. I am sharing my light and by sharing my light I encourage others to do so as well.
- I am enough. I am worthy of birthing new creations and bringing my dreams to life.
- I am fired up to get after my goals.
- I am a conscious creator. I manifest whatever my soul desires.
For more affirmations, visit The Spiritual Sense Affirmations page.
To change a negative belief of “I am not enough” I highly recommend my Theta Healing – I am good enough – Guided Meditation below.
For more meditations, visit my FREE Meditation page and follow my YouTube channel.
This may be a lot to process right now. The process to awaken the creatrix within is not a short-term goal. It’s a long-term goal that requires consistent, frequent action insipired by passion and intent of your soul.
If I can give you one single thing to take away from this, it’s this – you and your dreams matter. There is a million different ways to do things. And what you bring to the table is a unique expression of your personality, individuality and soul. So don’t let society dictate whether you follow your dreams.
Take a deep breath in and feel the power of your dreams manifesting. You are here for a reason. The seed has been planted. All you have to do now is nourish the seed to help it grow. Your time is an investment, and the biggest investment you can make is an investment in yourself.